The Humane Society is now offering a new
Low-cost spay/neuter program.
Why is it humane to spay/neuter your pet?
Over 1200 dogs and cats are surrendered to shelters or abandoned each year in Lincoln County. What could be the outcome of not spaying or neutering your animal?
The cumulative offspring of just two fertile cats can produce up to 54 more cats in only ONE year! In a fairly short time, that one litter of adorable kittens and its cumulative offspring can become hundreds of thousands of unwanted cats. While dogs reproduce at a somewhat slower rate, they too, can reproduce thousands of unwanted puppies during the course of their lifetime.

Spaying/neutering your pet is the only sure way to prevent the birth of unwanted litters. Some people think that spaying/neutering their pet is cruel, but the exact opposite is true! This procedure actually protects the health of your pet! For example, spayed females will avoid the risks of pregnancy and uterine infections, and will be far less likely to develop mammary cancer later in life. Neutering also discourages male cats and dogs from roaming-decreasing the likelihood of fights, car accidents, and disease. Neutering also reduces the tendency to be aggressive toward humans and other animals, as well as lowering your pet’s risk of developing prostate cancer and other diseases. Only two Animals per year per family can be done.
What is included with the S.P.O.T. Program?
Included whether a spay or neuter, all surgeries include pain injection.
- For Canine surgery – pain injection
- For Feline surgery – pain injection
What your animal will need before your animal gets their Surgery done?
You will need to obtain a Spay/Neuter Voucher from HSLC first. Since this is a low cost S/N Voucher. We will need the following. You will need to obtain a Spay/Neuter Voucher from HSLC first. To qualify for this low-cost program, we will need the following.
- Proof of income (last 2 paycheck stubs or W-2)
- A copy of EBT or Medicaid card
A co-payment of $45 is required, with a maximum of 2 animals per year. Proof of current rabies, DHPP/FDVCR vaccines.
These can be purchased at owners’ expense at Veterinarian clinic of your choice.
Once you obtain your Voucher from HSLC you will be responsible to call and make an appointment with your Veterinarian. Our Voucher is only valid for 30 days so we ask that you make your appointment as soon as possible. If your Voucher expires you will need to purchase a second Voucher from HSLC.
Pets must be at least 5 months old and weigh at least 4 lbs. or weight deemed acceptable by veterinarian. Animals must be in good health before surgery is done. Surgery may be declined if Veterinarian sees the animal is not fit for surgery. Animals cannot be Aggressive or Feral.
Additional vaccines are available at owner’s expense.
For more questions please call (575) 257-9841
Download an Application – English
Download an Application – Spanish
Current Village Ordinance
Sec. 14-16. Spaying or neutering of dogs and cats.
(a) No person shall own or harbor within the village any cat or dog over the age of six months which has not been spayed or neutered, unless that person holds either a permit to keep an unaltered dog or cat or a permit for breeding cats or dogs issued under section 14-17.
(b) The village or its contractor under section 14-15 shall issue a permit for the keeping of an animal that has not been neutered if the owner signs a written statement that the animal will not be allowed to breed unless the owner has first obtained a breeding permit under section 14-17.
(c) Proof of neutering, if not apparent upon visual inspection, may be made by certificate or receipt from a licensed veterinarian, or by affidavit of the animal’s owner.
(Code 1985, § 6-9-15)
Did you know………
In 2 years, un-neutered female cats can reproduce -376 kittens
In 2 years, un-neutered female dogs can reproduce- 128 puppies.