Foster Volunteer
Opening your home temporarily to an animal from the Humane Society of Lincoln County is a special way to show your passion for helping animals. Many of the animals looking for foster homes face challenges that can best be overcome with the loving support of our fantastic foster volunteers. Our foster homes also provide us the opportunity to free up more kennels to help even more animals that are in need of immediate care.
As a foster volunteer you may host animals with special medical or behavioral needs, puppies or kittens under eight weeks of age and in need of special feeding and socialization or mother animals with nursing litters. By fostering a homeless animal, you are providing rehabilitation in a nurturing home environment and directly preparing them for adoption into a loving home.
What are some of the requirements
of becoming a foster parent?
- Must be at least 18 years old.
- Must have a valid ID present when filling out and applying for a volunteer position at the HSLC shelter.
- Ability to lift, push or carry at least 25 pounds.
- Own a car for transporting to veterinary appointments, or in case of an emergency.
- Have a schedule that allows you to meet the needs of foster animals placed in your care.
- Provide proof from your veterinarian that all household pets have current vaccinations or current titer testing.
Is it difficult to say goodbye?
Fosters definitely need the ability to say goodbye. It can be tough, but making a difference this big isn’t always easy! Please remember that fostering is a temporary situation and letting go of one foster pet enables you to help another animal in need. Please know that although each adoption saves a life, a great foster parent can save many lives, by socializing and rehabilitating pets that might just need a little extra time and care to be ready for a new home.
Can I adopt my foster animals?
We hope that our foster volunteers are choosing to open their homes as a demonstration of their deep care and commitment to making a difference in the lives of animals in need. While fostering you may indeed fall in love and find the perfect companion for your family and our staff is available to counsel you should you wish to complete an adoption.
We discourage new fosters from joining the program simply to try out different animals in their homes before adopting. Many people who foster simply to look for a pet of their own do not stay on as fosters after they adopt. Losing foster homes has a negative impact on the number of animals we can help.
Will I need to provide food or other supplies
while the animals are in my care?
The Humane Society of Lincoln County is proud to provide all the necessary training, supplies, and support you will need to care for your foster animals. This includes little things like bowls, bedding, toys, and crates as well as things that can be a bigger expense like food, litter, medication, and all veterinary services. On occasion, you may be asked by the foster coordinator to purchase something small for your animal in an emergency. You will always be reimbursed for such requests.
Is there a time commitment?
The length of Foster assignments varies based upon the needs of the animals. You will receive an approximate duration before you commit to any particular animal. If you are unable to host the animal(s) for that length of
time you are welcome to decline the assignment.