Humane Society Lincoln County New Mexico

HSLC Education is working to enrich the lives of animals and humans while changing the culture, by creating opportunities to inspire humane animal advocacy and by cultivating kindness, compassion, and generosity to secure a better future for ALL.

HSLC continues to inspire and create local change to save the lives of homeless animals and by speaking with local organizations, clubs, schools, and groups. Humane Education introduces our community to concepts, skills and resources that helps build compassionate relationships all animals and one another.

HSLC Education & Outreach offers the following: 

Read to a Shelter dog
Every student alternates reading at their level to a dog.  Students learned how to properly communicate, care for, and protect homeless animals. Studies have proven that children’s reading skills improve when they are relaxed, allowed to play with and read to dogs. All students are given free pet care activity books.

Student Mentoring 
Older students are trained to teach younger children about humane pet care. Topics include: proper care where animals find respect, protection, and the importance of vaccines / microchipping.  Further discussions included how spay/neuter can help the health of pets and decrease the overpopulation of homeless animals in our community.  

Class Room Presentations
Students learned about HSLC core mission to provide care, shelter and adoptions for homeless animals, education on humane issues, finding solutions to confront animal overpopulations and the need for volunteers.

Career and Technical Education Programs
Students use the practical skills related to construction, carpentry, and metalworking to help the Shelter care for our homeless animals.

Current programs at Ruidoso High School

The first prototype dog house was completed and now each student will design / build individual doghouses using the skills learned in class, while earning community service hours. The Welding class students designed and built permanent metal water bowl holders for our outdoor kennels. This creative approach by students will ensure our animals will have water while enjoying much needed outdoor time.

Shelter Tours / On-site Education class
Students learn the daily operations of the Shelter, how animals are cared for, education on how to protect and respect all animals.  Discussions include the importance of vaccines, microchips, and spay/neuter options.

Community Classes – Civic/Business groups, Community Events, Colleges, and Home Schools
Presentations include HSLC core mission to provide care, shelter and adoptions for homeless animals, education on humane issues, and the need for volunteers. Main topic is “Stop Pet Overpopulation Today” and how we are finding solutions to the challenges of homeless pet populations in our community. The low cost Spay/Neuter program and Trap Neuter Release for feral cats are featured.

Therapeutic / Support Programs
Research states that interaction with pets will have a profound impact on anyone’s life, providing companionship, emotional support, and numerous health benefits. Pets alleviate loneliness, foster a sense of purpose, and enhance overall well-being. The presence of a pet brings joy, happiness, and renewed enthusiasm for life. HSLC currently visits the Goodlife Senior Living and Mid-Town merchants with adoptable dogs.     

A NEW therapeutic program with Healing America’s Heroes is under development. HSLC will support their core mission to provide mental health and wellness in our veteran, active service member and first responder community. Adoptable dogs will visit to provide emotional support and comfort. 

The time away from the hectic shelter life is very beneficial for our adoptable dogs.  They enjoy time outside, car rides, treats, hugs, and kisses. This human interaction is essential for the welfare of the dogs and increases successful adoptions.

HSLC Volunteer Dog Training
Volunteers learn dog training techniques and guidelines for using the same common language for dogs. The commands of SIT, DOWN, STAY, OFF, YES, and COME are used consistently. Participants learn how to understand dog behavior, skills to communicate with the dog and teach commands. A well-behaved dog with human bonding skills is more likely to be adopted and adjust to their new surroundings. Volunteers continue to help our Shelter succeed in hundreds of adoptions annually.  For additional information click on the Volunteer tab on homepage.  Become a Volunteer Today!

Interested in Community Service Hours? Come help the homeless animals in your community. Call the Shelter for more information. (575) 257-9841

Contact HSLC at (575) 257-9841 Or fill out the on-line application below, if interested in participating in our Community programs/classes.

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